Thursday, March 5, 2009

Beyond Printing...A Recipe for Marketing Genius

What?! You say! Beyond printing?!
Yes, there are other avenues to express your marketing genius! And by the way, if you couple them with just might get amazing results!

Take your typical direct mail piece, you're probably getting a 1-2% response. How's that workin' out for ya? Well, instead of doing the same thing...sort of a status quo...why don't you change that? Take your same old direct mail and spice it up with some cross media action and PURL's!
Combine your typical direct mail with personalized text, graphics and Personalized URL's or PURL's and you have a recipe to entice your clients to keep coming back.

For example we've conducted about a dozen campaigns and typically they have yeilded more than 5% response rates! Some have even yeilded as high as 13% response rates!

What's even better is that you can track the results real time and know exactly who has responded and be able to collect more data on that lead.
I challenge you to go outside of the standard boxed in practices you've been doing!

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