Monday, August 10, 2009


Are you inspired by your company? Have you ever asked yourself that question? If you have, chances are that most of you out there, are not inspired and yearn to be inspired!

I just got back from Houston, Texas, where I attended the National Associates Meeting with Consolidated Graphics. Now, if you aren't sure what this meeting is...see my previous post and it'll give you a 30,000 foot view....

Now, most companies when they have a national becomes sort a happy hour of sorts for an entire weekend. Well, Consolidated Graphics has found a happy medium.

This weekend was not only fun, but ABSOLUTELY INSPIRATIONAL! I have seen what's about to enter our market place in the way of talent and tools. The printing industry is about to be turned up-side down and sideways and for the better!

I met over 300 young people who have not just a passion for print and all things printed, but a passion to lead and a passion to share it with the world. These young people are full of great ideas, industry knowledge and a passion I haven't seen in years.

The entire weekend there were discussions about bringing more to our clients and prospects; giving value first and expecting nothing in return. What a great concept! Give value first, expect nothing in return! Isn't that the basis for what we as people are to strive for? I think so. And using that basis as a business concept is powerful.

Over the weekend I listed to industry leaders like Daniel Dejan from Sappi, speak about best practices and ways to engage and build business for our clients like I've never heard before.

If you don't know who Consolidated Graphics'll soon find out. Keep your eyes open everyone...there are some great things on the horizon!

For more the below links. And as always, I welcome your feedback!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

National Associates Meeting

I'm attending Consolidated Graphics' National Associates Meeting this weekend!

If you don't know what this is...let me give you a brief summary. Consolidated Graphics recruits and hires only the Best and Brightest college graduates to train and become the printing industry's next leaders. This meeting is a time for all of these up and coming leaders to discover best practices in the print industry and maybe even devise some of their own...that just might change the industry for the better.

I'll be speaking on Saturday at the event. Myself and another consultant for Consolidated Graphics will be sharing some tips that we've picked up along the way. Tips from networking to researching prospects and determining the best approach to their industry.

Below are some links that I'll be sharing with the group. Maybe these links would be helpful for you guys.

For all of you bloggers, try these sites for inspiration/help!

For all of you sales reps or soon to be reps, try these ezines: with me on Twitter and find out the latest in technology that Consolidated Graphics is about to unleash! Watch out printworld...this is gonna shake things up! More details to come....